In Myanmar, there are a number of environmental regulations in place, which companies need to comply with to obtain or keep their permission to operate. These include national laws and notifications, as well as bye-laws of City Development Committees containing provisions on different aspects of industrial production and companies’ environmental impacts. The regulations seek to protect the environment in order to strive for sustainable development.
F&B companies need to fulfil the following environmental requirements:
- A comprehensive assessment of all environmental impacts of the company (resource use; emissions of wastewater, solid waste and noise; other impacts), and
- The development of an environmental management plan
Most relevant regulations for both:
- Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) – No. 9/2012
- Environmental Conservation Rules – Notification No. 50/2014
- EIA Procedures – Notification No. 616/2015
- The regular monitoring of emissions (air emission, wastewater, noise, odor) from the company and compliance with legal thresholds for these emissions
Most relevant regulation:
- National Environmental Quality (Emission) Guidelines – No. 615/2015
There are five key global environmental concerns, and industrial production – including in the F&B sector – can have severe negative impacts on all of them:
Climate Change
The rise in mean global temperature caused by the release of heat-trapping gases, most notably carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by combustion engines, and methane (CH4) emitted by livestock raising and some organic processes. Scientists predict that this increase in temperature will result in an increase in ‘extreme’ weather events leading to flooding, droughts, and tropical storms (hurricanes, typhoons), as well as in the melting of polar sea ice, leading to rising sea-levels worldwide.
Resource depletion
The Earth has a finite set of resources that support our way of life, including: gas, oil, coal, trees, water, soil, and plants. There are renewable resources, like timber, soils, and natural fish stocks, and non-renewable resources, such as minerals, oil, and natural gas. When renewable natural resources are used at a higher rate than they can be replenished, they are depleted – so our production has to take care to use them in a way that allows for their natural regeneration. Non-renewable resources must be used in a way that prevents harmful climate change and biodiversity loss (see below).
The release of substances – through wastewater, fumes, and solid wastes – that cause harm to humans, property, and the environment. Pollution can be to air, land, or water.
Loss of Biodiversity
A significant reduction in the number and variety of animal and plant species on Earth. Human life depends on this diversity within ecosystems, both within and between species. Biological diversity is at the core of many resources and services nature provides to humans: food, shelter, protection from natural disasters, water purification, and others.
Statutory Nuisances/ Annoyances
An act which is harmful or offensive to the public. These can include: dust, noise, smells, piles of rubbish, and emissions of smoke and fumes.
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