List of Wastewater Consultants

The below list gives the contacts of wastewater consultants trained by the Tha Bar Wa Project. F&B companies interested in having their wastewater tested or in learning more about suitable treatment options can reach out to them for support.
They can also be invited to review and evaluate the technical performance of an existing wastewater treatment plant and for the training of company staff on the proper management of a wastewater treatment plant.

Sr. No. Name Position Organization Contact Phone E mail
1 Dr. Lat Lat Tun Professor Yangon Technological University 09-420111922
2 Dr. Su Su Hlaing Professor Yangon Technological University 09-799747685
3 Dr. April Nway Nway Htet Professor Mandalay Technological University 09-795355879
4 Dr. Mie Mie Han Tun Professor Mandalay Technological University 09-40257334
5 Dr. Win Ei Ei Tun Professor Thanlynn Technological University 09-421057236
6 Dr. Su Lin Thu Professor Thanlynn Technological University 09-421154607
7 Dr. May Myat Khine Professor West Yangon Technological University 09-5341798
8 Dr. Khin Thida Cho Professor West Yangon Technological University 09-5042052

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